Tag: author

Episode #229: Stop Worrying and Start Healing with Michael Harris

Michael Harris is an author, coach, trainer, yoga teacher, entrepreneur, and co-founder of Endless Stages. He is also a heavily meditated and avid yoga master as well as an outdoor junkie and storyteller. He is also the survivor of multiple health issues, including a near fatal waterskiing accident, addictions, and a devastating prognosis that he would die from vascular disease at the age of 27.

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Episode #206: The Business of Healthcare with Debra E. Blaine, MD

Debra E. Blaine, MD is a retiring physician who recently became an author of medical and political thrillers, which offer readers a gentle platform to examine their belief systems, as well as if those belief systems actually serve them well, and how they can reclaim their freedom of choice.

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Episode #201: Embrace Your Inner Nerd with Dr. Stephan Neff

Dr. Stephan Neff is passionate about demystifying mental health issues and helping people live a life so full of joy that yesterday is jealous of today. He is an anesthesiologist, best selling author, and advocate for mental health and addiction. He is also the host of the popular podcast called My Steps to Sobriety.

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Episode #192: From Trauma to Transformation with Sylvia Worsham

Sylvia Worsham is an International and Multi-Lingual Speaker and Turning Points Coach who specializes in empowerment, sales, and leadership. She is the author of the book titled “Journey to Me: Trust the Wisdom of Change,” which helps her readers propel themselves into a life of love, compassion, and joy.

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Episode #175: Self-Awareness, Self-Acceptance, and Inner Peace with Gurds Hundal

Gurds Hundal is an empath educator, self-healing expert, author, generational pattern shifter, coach, and host of the Inner Light Project Podcast. Gurds takes a holistic approach to helping her clients identify what is holding them back in life and provides tools to help them be their own healer.

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