Tag: author

Episode #318: Cravings of the Heart, Soul, and Human Nature with Cory Rosenke

Cory Rosenke is an author, theologian, pastor, teacher, and coach who spent most of his childhood in the debilitating grip of poverty, isolation, and even homelessness. He found his reprieve by exploring the majestic but lonely mountain slopes of the Rocky Mountains, along with a walking stick, a book, and his faithful and beloved dog.

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Episode #301: Walking the Camino de Santiago with Reino Gevers

Reino Gevers is an author, mentor, speaker, and walker, who decided to walk the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage path for the first time in 2006 when he was at a low point in his life. That experience changed his life forever. Since then, he has walked this ancient path more than a dozen times, leading to life changing spiritual insights and transformation. His mission is to serve others to help them find their passion, purpose, and authenticity.

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Episode #277: Build Better Bones, Build Better Health with Dr. Doug Lucas

Dr. Doug Lucas is a Stanford fellowship trained orthopedic surgeon who was consistently saddened by the status of his patients, because the health care system failed to provide the right guidance to prevent bone loss, which ultimately led to the need of his surgical services.

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