Leigh Brandon is a Functional Medicine and CHEK Practitioner who has been working in the Health and Fitness industry since 1996. As a CHEK practitioner, he became proficient in integrated movement science, nutrition, and holistic lifestyle coaching.
Dr. Cindy Starke is a physician certified in trauma release, mentor, award-winning author, speaker, and Subconscious Mind Expert who helps women in healthcare heal from burnout using subconscious re-patterning and optimization.
Dr. Tamar Lawful is a Doctor of Pharmacy, Nutrigenomics Specialist, Health and Wellness business consultant, CEO and Founder of LYFE Balance, Inc. and coach who guides healthcare practitioners to enhance patient care, reduce medication reliance, and improve life quality through nutrigenomics. She is also the host of the Pivoting Pharmacy with Nutrigenomics.