Tag: health

Episode #282: Standing on the Ashes of Burned Bridges with Isaiah Orozco

Isaiah Orozco went from making over a six-figure income to becoming an alcoholic and drug addict with legal problems and struggling with severe anxiety and depression, to eventually losing it all. He managed to climb out of the mud and build something much bigger and better than he had before.

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Episode #275: Ditch the Diets and Lose the Fat with Dr. Cody Golman

Dr. Cody Golman is a Quantum Life and Health Coach and Doctor of Chiropractic Medicine. At the young age of 17 he joined the military, and at 19 became a tank commander in the United States Army. He struggled with severe injuries and multiple injuries until he discovered natural ways to regain his health.

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The “Princess of Power”

I not only host my own podcast, but I am frequently invited to appear on other shows as well. And I have been on a lot of them. But none quite compared to my most recent appearance on The Wellness Driven Life Show. The host, April Chavez, was not only charming and beautiful, but she was warm and engaging as well. She was also a lot of fun to talk to and we had a great conversation.

Imagine my surprise when she referred to me as “the real Princess of Power.” I didn’t even know there was such a thing until I looked it up. Apparently it’s an animated story about an orphaned princess who discovered a magic sword which transforms her into a legendary warrior princess. Who knew?

Anyway, we had a great time together, and I thought you might find it interesting to hear me on the other side of the microphone as a podcast guest instead of a host for a change. So, here is the link to the episode along with a graphic April used to promote the episode. April produces a fabulous show with high quality guests, and I’m not saying that just because I was one of them.

Check it out: The Real Princess of Power


Episode #244: The Magic of Mindset and Cognomovement with Katie Wrigley

Katie Wrigley is a Transformational Coach, Cognomovement Practitioner, and host of the Pain Changer Podcast. She is also a former chronic pain patient who found herself disabled in her early 40s after years of severe chronic pain and losing herself in a demanding 20 year long corporate career.

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Episode #232: The Journey to Health and Happiness with Amir Siddiqui

Amir Siddiqui is a yogi, author, life coach in the making, and fierce advocate for personal growth. His recently published book is titled “From Suicidal to Serene,” which is part memoir and part self-help based on his eight year long journey of healing and personal growth.

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