Episode #178: Inner Freedom, Warrior Spirit, and Organic Learning with Scott Forrester

Movement expert, mind-body specialist, author, and Feldenkrais practitioner Scott Forrester returns to the show to discuss the depth of the meaning of the word freedom, the true spirit of a warrior, and how to get what you want in life.

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Episode #177: Creativity, Self-Expression, and Going Beyond the Pen with Maccabee Griffin

Maccabee Griffin is the founder and owner of Mack Griffin VO, a company whose mission is to help business thrive by using proven voice-over techniques to bring his clients’ products or services to a broader audience in the digital world.

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Bonus Episode #7: Sacred Cycle and Thriving Through Sports and Nature with Devan Schultz

Devan Schultz is an expert in Sport and Performance Psychology who facilitates conversations around the valuable life skills which can be learned through sports and the great outdoors. She has worked in a variety of populations from youth to collegiate athletes, competitive skiers and snow boarders, firefighters, and more.

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Episode #175: Self-Awareness, Self-Acceptance, and Inner Peace with Gurds Hundal

Gurds Hundal is an empath educator, self-healing expert, author, generational pattern shifter, coach, and host of the Inner Light Project Podcast. Gurds takes a holistic approach to helping her clients identify what is holding them back in life and provides tools to help them be their own healer.

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Episode #173: Accept Adversity and Conquer Challenges with James Perdue

James Perdue is an expert in resilience, perseverance, and mental toughness. He is a Doctor of Education, teacher, and coach who motivates people to triumph over tragedies. James is also known as The Professor of Perseverance, a title he has certainly earned the hard way.

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Episode #172: Martial Arts, Mat Chats, and Creativity with Sara Deacon

Sara Deacon is an enthusiastic life coach, faithful believer, energetic martial artist, lifelong artist, and mom of three young sons. She is passionate about martial arts, personal development, and lifelong learning. Sara is also the host of the popular podcast Martial Arts and Crafts.

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Bonus Episode #6: Patience, Practice, Perseverance, and Overcoming Obstacles with Maison Collawn

Maison Collawn is a free lance blogger and host of The MC Anime podcast, which discusses anime, geek culture, as well as Japanese and Asian studies. He is also an expert on overcoming obstacles through patience, practice, and perseverance.

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