Episode #269: Health and Wellness Warrior with April Chavez

April Chavez is the mother of three beautiful miracle daughters, a former police officer, the Viking of Hiking, talk show host, and microphone maven. She is also a survivor who was diagnosed with lupus at the age of fifteen and had been experiencing symptoms since birth.

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Episode #267: How to Outsmart and Outrun Father Time with Barry Karch

Barry Karch is a Broker and Owner of The Real Estate Power Houses, which is a real estate company for the new era embracing technology to provide cutting edge service for their clients. He is also the host of the Running for Your Life podcast, which is a podcast for mature runners who refuse to give in to Father Time and are dedicated to getting better every day and getting fit together to live a long and healthy life.

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Episode #265: You Are Enough and You Are Not Alone with Rachel Lavin

Rachel Lavin is an author, speaker, Body Love Educator, Certified Personal Trainer, and Certified Health Coach. Her book titled “The Doughnut Diaries,” chronicles her own struggles with her weight including following restrictive diets for over 30 years.

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Episode #262: Hope and Healing, One Step at a Time with Dallas Goodlet

Dallas Goodlet spent his entire life battling multiple addictions including food, drugs, alcohol, nicotine, and pornography. For over 20 years, he struggled with ruined relationships, low self-esteem, shame, regret, self-loathing, and thoughts of suicide.

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