Strength, Power, & Flexibility

Everyone has the right to defend themselves. But you can’t defend yourself if you don’t have the skills you need to protect yourself. Learning the appropriate skills does take time, practice, and commitment. Lots of time and commitment, so much that it can be overwhelming. I get that. Been there, done that.

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Super Simple Ninja Secret

Every well trained ninja knows that the secret to survival is to keep moving. No matter what is going on around you, you have to keep moving if you want to live to see another day. This super simple ninja secret will get you on the path to training yourself to move through life with your health, fitness, and sanity intact.

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Walk Softly and Carry Big Sticks

Walking is one of the best, easiest, most accessible and most economical way to keep moving. If you don’t already have a walking program, it is time to consider staring one. Nothing beats a good walking program or an exhilarating hike to keep us fit and healthy in our body, mind, spirit, and soul. Here is a simple and somewhat surprising tip to keep you moving and get the best results possible.

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How to Move Past Fear

Fear is something that we are all experiencing right now to a certain degree with the uncertainty of what is going on with COVID-19. Fear is an emotional response to any threat or danger, real or perceived and it is meant to warn us of danger to keep us safe. Unfortunately, prolonged fear can lead to stress, anxiety, and panic attacks. It can render us paralyzed and unable to move forward, and it can also have detrimental effects on our physical, mental, and emotional health as well as our immune system. Here are a few simple tips how to move past fear and stay fit, flexible, strong, healthy, and boost your immune system at the same time.

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