Tag: personal transformation

Episode #332: From Heart Attack Patient to L-1 CrossFit Trainer with Chris Roy

Chris Roy is a lifestyle coach and personal trainer specializing in mindset, fitness, and nutrition. He is also a CrossFit L-1 trainer, father, and heart attack survivor who had been living a life of gluttony, substance abuse, and caffeine addiction.

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Episode #326: The Power of Kindness, Positivity, and Self-Love with John Lawyer

John Lawyer is a Universalist, Spiritual Guide and Seeker who served in the U.S. Army in Kuwait, Bagdad, and Kandahar as a counterintelligence special agent and asymmetric warfare specialist responsible for coordinating various operations in Afghanistan for six years.

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Episode #307: Re-Discovering Your True Self with Nichole Lee

Nichole Lee is a Trauma-Informed Multi-Disciplinary Healer, Intuitive Guide, Life Transition Coach, Speaker, Well-Being Educator and Transformative Retreat Curator who is recognized for her unique and holistic approach to personal fulfillment and transformation.

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Episode #301: Walking the Camino de Santiago with Reino Gevers

Reino Gevers is an author, mentor, speaker, and walker, who decided to walk the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage path for the first time in 2006 when he was at a low point in his life. That experience changed his life forever. Since then, he has walked this ancient path more than a dozen times, leading to life changing spiritual insights and transformation. His mission is to serve others to help them find their passion, purpose, and authenticity.

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Episode #288: Putting Purpose Over Pleasure and Finding Your Passion with Justin Crane

Justin Crane is a Special Forces Veteran who spent 12 years in the military, which was his passion. He started his military career as a rescue swimmer, rescuing multiple people in Hurricane Katrina along with many other rescues as well. He also worked for an elite military unit in Iraq, executing special operations missions.

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Episode #238: Self-Fulfillment and Lasting Happiness with Karyn Seitz

 Karyn Seitz is a teacher and thought leader in happiness as well as women empowerment. She describes the state of being happy as a deep sense of inner fulfillment, and where you feel at peace with yourself and your life no matter what your circumstances.

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