Tag: peace

Episode #323: Faith, Fire, and Healing with John Rabins

John Rabins is a United States Air Force Veteran, retired optometrist, and award-winning author whose writing career was launched within days of the loss of his home and rental property on June 11th , 2013, to the devastating Black Forest fire in Colorado, the exact same day that his father passed away in California.

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Episode #253: Killing Dadzilla and Moving Beyond Adversity with Dr. Brad Miller

Dr. Brad Miller is a husband, father, grandfather, pastor, podcaster, transformational leader, founder at Forty Day Way, and host of the Beyond Adversity Podcast. He helps people crush adversity to achieve Peace, Prosperity, and Purpose in their lives. He also has the distinct honor of killing Dadzilla and saving his daughter’s wedding.

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Episode #168: Breaking Free from Therapist Abuse with Amy Nordhues

Amy Nordhues is a writer, author, speaker, and married mother of three. She is also a survivor of both sexual abuse as a child and as an adult at the hands of a mental health professional. Her recently released memoir has already earned an award as well as rave reviews.

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Episode #137: The Path to Peace and Happiness

Nancy McKay is a Certified Wayfinder Life Coach, Equus Coach, Mind-Body-Eating Coach, founder and owner of Amazing Outlook Coaching, and contributing author for the 3rd edition of “Ready to Fly,” as well as the new multi-author book “Phoenix Rising.” She is also a survivor and a thriver. She is on a mission to help women break through from negative thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors to create a life filled with happiness and peace.

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Episode #108: Finding Calm and Peace In The Midst of Anxiety

Abigail Moss is a full-time corporate project manager, single mom, and artist. She also is one of millions of people who struggle with chronic anxiety. Although Abigail experienced anxiety her entire life, she was told that she was just a worrier, and simply needed to calm down and just trust the universe. For some reason, that advice didn’t help, and she continued her battle with stress and anxiety.

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Secrets of a Middle-Aged Ninja

Secrets….we all have them. I probably have a few more than most. And many of them are secrets that I learned in my martial arts training. I’d love to share them all with you, but then you’d know too much. Besides, it might get me in deep trouble with the Secret Society of Ninjas. So, if you ever run into one of their members, please don’t let them know I have shared my secrets.

This first secret might be a little disappointing. Ninjas really aren’t fighters. We’re lovers. We love life, our families, our friends, our homes, and our communities. We want nothing more (and nothing less), than to simply live our lives in peace and harmony. Ninjas aren’t about war, or warfare. However, we are warriors. Wait a minute….doesn’t that sound contradictory?

It’s not. Because a true warrior has a heart of compassion. For life, for nature, and even for their enemies or those who wish to cause them harm. A warrior also has a playful spirit, and doesn’t take themselves too seriously, even when they are under attack, so to speak.

Patience is a virtue. Everyone knows that, and everybody gives it lip service, but a true warrior really embodies it, and incorporates it into their daily life. Considering our fast-paced modern world, as well as the “got to have it now” attitude, patience truly is a virtue as rare as hen’s teeth.

Above all, a warrior is honest. At least, they’re supposed to be. I have met a few who proclaim honesty and demand it of others, but not of themselves. Hmm, that hardly seems fair. But, that’s when you know they are not true warriors. And those who are just smile, and walk away. No sense in engaging in a confrontation over such a silly thing. A warrior knows how to avoid confrontation at all costs.

I have a lot more secrets up my sleeve. But, I think I’ll make like a ninja and disappear for now instead. I can always share them another time.