Episode #120: Reject The Victim Mindset and Take Control of Your Life

Nelson Tressler is the founder and CEO of IGOTSMARTER, a goal achievement program and app created to help people succeed in every aspect of life. He is also a US Air Force Veteran, father of three sons, and the author of “The Unlucky Sperm Club,” which highlights that we are not victims of our circumstances, but a product of our choices instead.

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Episode #114: Building Courage and Confidence to Live Abundantly

Chelle Johnson is an entrepreneur, a global career resilience and abundance consultant, coach, and strategist. She is the founder and owner of The Best You Career Advantage, where she helps people get crystal clear on who they are and what they want while building courage and confidence.

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Episode #113: Turn Your Life Into An Adventure

Joe Trey is the self-proclaimed Adventure Hermit and has spent his life traveling across the country and abroad. He is also the founder and owner of Road Schooled, author, writer for RoadRUNNER Motorcycle Touring and Travel. He is a musician, writer and composer for theater, and the proud father of two girls. He is also the survivor of a near fatal motorcycle accident 39 years ago.

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Episode #112: Finding Self-Love and Purpose After Divorce

What do you do when you find yourself suddenly single after years of marriage? Shira Raymond is an Empowerment Coach and the founder and owner of Suddenly Single—Empowerment Coaching for GENX and beyond. Shira’s journey of self-awareness and personal growth made her realize that her own marriage was stagnant, causing her to walk away from a 24-year long marriage.

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Episode #111: How To Create Your Own Life’s Path

Lon Jordan is an author, motivational speaker, public figure, and owner of Sketched By Design. Lon is passionate about helping people discover and embrace their unique design to create their own path in life, even if it conflicts with a path that others have chosen for them.

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