As you probably know by now, The FemiNinja Project is the brain child of Yours Truly. However, what you might not know is that the show is loosely based on my experience as a martial artist. Which is why the focus is on personal empowerment, overcoming obstacles, restoring human dignity and lots of other fun stuff.
Another little tidbit you might not know about me is that I am also an author. My first book is about fitness over fifty and titled “Forever Fit and Flexible: Feeling Fabulous at Fifty and Beyond.” It was published in 2016, and I suppose the title is self explanatory. My second book was released last year in March, 2023 and titled: The Reluctant Ninja: How A Middle-Aged Princess Became A Warrior Queen.”
Immediately after the book was published I suffered a terrible case of writer’s remorse. I’m not even sure if there is such a thing or if I made it up, but I had three really tough weeks. Which means I totally freaked out. There was no way I could get that genie back in the bottle.
The book chronicles my how (and why), I began my journey in the strange new world of men and martial arts at the tender young age of 47, and includes very personal information. Yikes! Eventually I got over it and assured myself that it would be okay, as long as only strangers read it. The following day I walked into the dojo and saw a copy on my Sensei’s desk. Major freak out.
That was a year ago, and he’s still talking to me, so I guess it turned out okay. In the meantime, the book earned two awards and made #1 Amazon Best Seller. Not bad for a middle-aged princess!