Tag: The Fire Inside Her podcast

Episode #347: There’s A Fire Inside Her with Diane Schroeder

Diane Schroeder is a TEDx and Keynote Speaker, Leader, Writer, podcast host, former first responder as a 3rd generation fire fighter, CEO and Founder of The Fire Inside Her LLC, a community which helps adventurous middle-aged humans on their journey of personal growth and self-discovery to achieve a more authentic, joyful, and empowered life through self-care, community, and leadership.

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Unleash Your Inner Strength and Power

One of the many perks about having a podcast the opportunity to meet and speak with so many wonderful people who share their inspiring stories of empowerment with all of us. Their stories fill my heart with hope.

Another perk is that I get the chance to be a guest of other shows as well. Full disclosure, it’s a little bit concerting to be on the other side of the mic, but it does give me the chance to (gulp) share my own personal story with the world.

I was recently a guest on The Fire Inside Her podcast with the inspiring and spectacular host, Diane Schroeder. We had a fantastic conversation where I shared many of my ninja secrets, why I began training in the ancient Japanese martial art called Ninpo Tai Jutsu at the tender young age of 47, and how I rose up through the ranks to become my teacher’s first female black belt.

Listen to the episode here:


Diane also called me an inspiration, courageous, and a total bada$$. I disagree. I am a simple woman, and one who found the power of healing from a traumatic event in an unconventional way. In my humble opinion, we’re all bada$$. And we all have an incredible amount of strength and power in each and every one of us.

So I leave you with one final thought. What can you do to unleash yours?