Episode #32: Natural Healing and Functional Health

Our bodies have an incredible ability to heal itself, naturally. In this episode, Kimsey Self, the owner of Progressive Health and Wellness talks about whole foods, natural healing, and functional health. She busts the many myths of food and health while she also clears up some of the confusion regarding what to eat, what not to eat, what’s going to make you live forever and what is going to kill you long before your time.

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How To Get Out Of Your Own Way

Sometimes you just have to get out of your own way. Or, more specifically, out of your mind. As someone who has been out of my mind more often than I care to admit, I understand how sometimes your mind can mess with your head. And your goals. And especially your dreams.

One of the things I learned as a brand new martial arts student was how to get out of the way of an attack. And I was really, really good at it. My technique of choice was to cover my head with my gi top and run off the mat screaming, “Don’t touch me!” Ah, yes. Those were the good old days.

Eventually I was able to get out of my head and into my body to stay engaged with my attacker and gracefully step out of the way. Soon after that, I was able to step back into my attacker and take him down. It was a slow and tedious process for me, but once I let go of my preconceived  conviction that I was going to get beaten to a pulp, magic slowly began to unfold.

Not only did I learn to get out of an attacker’s line of fire, I learned how to get out of my own way as well. Because it’s that negative self-talk, the fear that we are either going to fail, look stupid, be ridiculed, or fall on our face. Huh, been there, done that. All of the above. And yet I survived.

I have to be honest, and I have to confess that I still struggle with getting out of my own way, especially when a remarkable opportunity presents itself. And it recently did, but I’m not quite ready to talk about it quite yet. I’m still trying to wrap my head around it and wonder what I had gotten myself into.

But if we don’t keep reaching for new heights, think of all the incredible experiences we might miss out on. And that would just be sad, don’t you think?

Episode #31: Kindness, Respect, and Abundance of Spirit

Meet Claire Maghtas and Karen Epps, two retired teachers turned first-time authors. They share their personal insights to uplift and encourage educators to take care of themselves (as well as their students) through the practice of kindness, integrity, respect, abundance of spirit and much, much more. 

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Episode #30: The Symphony of Your Life

This high-spirited, fun-filled, and inspiring episode features Mark Hardcastle, aka Captaininja. Mark is a graduate of the Air Force Academy, which he fondly remembers as “the Dark Ages.” He is a commercial airline pilot, author, music aficionado, athlete, and all-around great guy. He bravely ventures into the FemiNinja cave to share his incredible stories of surviving the Dark Ages, as well as many of the other challenges in his life.

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Be Aware, or Beware!

Last week I was honored to deliver my information packed, educational, motivational and interactive signature speech “Be Aware, or Beware” to the members of Rising Tide Business Network. I have decided to share a brief synopsis of the presentation as well as one key life lesson or take home point which was emphasized under each topic that was covered. Keep in mind, this is simply a sneak preview.

I. Introduction:

My personal story, as well as first martial arts class and how my journey into the strange new world of men and martial arts began.

Life lesson and key point: I was stronger than I thought I was, and so are you. I firmly believe that there is an incredible amount of strength and power in each and every one of us, just waiting to be discovered.

II. Evade, Deflect, and Redirect

The first thing a brand new martial arts student learns is how to get out of the way of an  attack….evade. It’s the secret of the ninja disappearing act. All of the negative angst and energy goes right past you and back into your attacker. It’s beautiful to witness.

Life lesson and key point: Life is full of hits, and in a variety of different forms including physical, verbal, emotional,   and psychological. How we respond to them is imperative to our ability to survive, and thrive.

Evasion is just the first part of the secret. The entire secret is to evade, deflect, and redirect. This ninja secret is a valuable life skill and tool to keep you from getting drawn into pointless conflicts with family, colleagues, strangers, spouses, “friends,” etc.

*However, the second and third part of the secret does NOT apply to physical threats! Your number one goal is to get out of the way and run to safety.

III. Awareness and Attention

A distracted person is an easy target. And an easy target is exactly what perpetrators are looking for. The good news is that we can train our awareness and attention by making simple changes to our routine.

Life lesson and key point: It’s easy to develop new neural pathways which will develop a keen sense of awareness by making simple changes in our routine. When you continue to practice awareness, all of your senses will become more sensitive, which leads us to the next topic.

IV. Intention and Intuition.

Intention is a course of action that a person intends to complete. Perpetrators have an agenda, and they are committed to completing their chosen course of action. It’s actually possible to be able to read someone’s intention, which is another reason why practicing your awareness is so important. Conversely, it is possible for someone to read your intention as well. If you are committed to keeping yourself safe and do not present yourself as an easy target, a perpetrator can sense that as well, making you less attractive as a target.

Intuition is an immediate understanding of a situation without conscious thought. It is a sense of “knowing.” Intuition is rarely (if ever), wrong.

Life lesson and key point: The ability to read someone’s intention is not that difficult when you practice it, and you can train your intuition just as you train your awareness.

V. Body Language

Our body language speaks volumes, and communicates to the world what kind of day we’re having, what kind of person we are, how we feel about ourselves, and  even whether or not we are an easy target. It’s important to present ourselves with strength, confidence, and composure while we remain grounded, balanced, and flexible.

Life lesson and key point: When you learn how to stand, walk, and move like a ninja you will be grounded, balanced, confident and less attractive as a potential target.

VI. Self-Defense Tools, aka Weapons

Self-defense products can give you a false sense of security. They can also malfunction, or be totally ineffective if you are not thoroughly trained in how to use them. More important, any weapon you carry can be taken from you and used against you.

Life lesson and key point: A high-powered military or police grade flashlight is the best self-defense tool to have, along with taking frequent self-defense classes is the best way to keep yourself safe.

As I said, this is just a brief synopsis and example of my presentation. For more information or to book my services, please feel free to contact me. Stay safe, stay strong, and stay aware!

Episode #28: Love Never Quits

After spending several years struggling with infertility, Gina Heumann and her husband adopted a baby boy from Guatemala. They were living a dream. Two and a half years later they adopted another baby boy. The dream turned into a nightmare as their son demonstrated erratic behavior, uncontrollable temper tantrums, and problems in school.

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Episode #26: Courage, Creativity, and Brain Power

In this episode, Mariah Ehlert shares her personal story of how she went from having a lucrative job at Wall Street to being laid off and homeless after purchasing a turn of the century building (a church, no less) and transforming it into a beautiful space called The Sanctuary Studio. This is a woman who knows how to dream, and dream big. She shares her story and her secrets to thriving, even during the tough times. Download this episode to discover how she turned her fear into power, and how she can help you do the same.  

Episode #25: A Life Of Healing

As an infant, Carly Kaatz Hudson suffered a devastating and life-threatening illness. Although she recovered, she was left with neurological dysfunction including left-sided neglect, balance disorders, spasticity, and hearing loss. Rather than accepting the prognosis of living with her disabilities and no hope of recovery, her parents explored alternative treatments, which led Carly on a path of life-long learning and healing.

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