Episode #42: Vibrant Health and Healing

Dr. Carl Hudson returns to The FemiNinja Project to share more of her personal insights of self-healing, self-discovery, and life-long learning. She explains how traditional Western medicine saved her life, but alternative medical practices gave her quality of life and set her on a path of alternative health, healing, and self-awareness.

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Episode #41: Writing Words That Work

Words are powerful, and the ability to be able to clearly communicate your message is crucial to your business and life in general. In this episode, Jesssica Olma, the founder and owner of Scribe Syndicate explains how to write and use words that work, how to change habits that might be getting in our own way, and how to handle life’s bumps in the road.  

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Episode #40: Living Differently-From Marine To Mentor

Meet Tami McVay, business and lifestyle strategist dedicated to helping you find the courage, strength, and confidence you need to make your life better. Tami shares her experiences and perspective about thriving in a man’s world, building character, the resilience and tenacity of the human spirit, taking risks, and the power of adventure. With her unique background and engaging style, Tami will help you conquer your world!

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Episode #39: The Golden Thread Of Life

Meet Bryn Brown, a business coach who uses heartfelt connections along with spiritual wisdom to help people turn their deepest passions into a business that feeds their soul. She shares her own personal and professional journey and life path including how to seek self-fulfillment through self-observation, and how to avoid tears in your morning coffee. Bryn also explains the golden thread (or threads) that lead to different possibilities, and how to follow the threads to find your own true path.  

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Episode #38: Making Financial Fitness Fun

Meet Craig Kaley, engineer, problem solver, financial fitness coach and author of Money Athletics. Craig has created a fun and brilliant “game plan” to help teach your kids become financially savvy. He shares some of his tips and personal stories about helping his own three kids become financially fit and responsible adults. It’s a better alternative than having them end up living in your basement when they’re adults.  

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Episode #37: Life Is Stranger Than Fiction

Life really can be stranger than fiction. It can also provide you with remarkable opportunities, if you know how to look for them. In this episode, award winning author Helen Starbuck describes how she has done exactly that to create her award winning mystery series, “The Annie Collins Mysteries.”  

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Episode #36: Not On My Watch

Torey Ivanic is a Physician Assistant, Certified Homeopathy Practitioner, and business owner. Her experience of training as an elite gymnast as well as her love of math biology led her to pursue a career in health and healing. However, that’s not all she got from her gymnastics training.

Torey truly embodies the courage and strength of the FemiNinja as she shares her story about sexual abuse from a predatory coach, and the action she took to bring him to justice and put him behind bars for years.

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Episode #35: The Body Freedom Project

Physical therapist Ashley Zimmerman returns to the FemiNinja Project to talk about her recent trip to Costa Rica where she worked as a volunteer in a safe house for girls who have escaped the horrors of human trafficking. Ashley is determined to do her part to bring education and awareness to the public regarding this heinous practice, and to help bring it to an end. Learn what you can do to help. Education is power!      

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Episode #34: Discover Your Strength Within

Meet Dr. Ashley Zimmerman, physical therapist in private practice specializing in pelvic floor health and awareness. Discover how (and why) your hip, knee, back, and even neck pain can be related to weakness and dysfunction in your pelvic floor. More importantly, learn what you can do about it. This episode is a must for women, men, and anyone who wants to maximize their health, strength, fitness, and function in every aspect of their life.      

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Episode #033: Do It For Dalton

On December 29th, 2013, Roni Lambrecht’s world was turned upside down when she and her husband lost their brilliant, beautiful, and beloved only child, Dalton John.

Roni shares her story along with straightforward tips on being a mindful parent and taking the time to build meaningful relationships with all of the people you love in your life. This episode will open your eyes, your heart, and change your life forever.

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