Who’s Got the Power?

Ahh, power. We’ve been hearing a lot about power lately, especially after the last election. You know, who has it, who wants it, what they want to do with it if and when they get it, etcetera, etcetera. But what exactly is power? What does it mean, and how can you find yours?

In my humble opinion, power means having strength, confidence, the ability to set clear boundaries, how to stand your ground and speak your mind. It means having a set of skills which will help you navigate through the obstacles, challenges, or confrontations life throws your way.

Imagine that these skills are so deeply ingrained in your mind, body, and spirit, that you automatically react when you need them without conscious thought. And now think about how wonderful it would be if these same skills had powerful anti-aging properties.

I know, it sounds too good to be true. But in reality, that strength, power, and those skills are already inside of you, along with an innate knowledge and wisdom that we are all born with. That power is already inside of you, just waiting to be unleashed and shared with the world. And to keep you safe, healthy, and happy.

It’s not about having control over other people. It’s about not allowing other people having control over you. And once you find your power, it’s a wonderful feeling. Not only that, people notice it. And they respect it.

So, who’s got the power? You do. Just like dear Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, you’ve always had the power. You just have to learn it for yourself. And I have all the confidence in the world that you will.

Episode #358: Make Physical Fitness Your Superpower with Kim Rahir

Kim Rahir is a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach who helps middle aged women tap into an abundant source of vitality by reactivating and maintaining muscle while eating to nourish their body and flourish with vibrant health and vitality.

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Episode #357: The Power of Physical Activity & Self-Love with Disha Dewan

Disha Dewan is a biotechnologist, internationally recognized attorney, and successful entrepreneur who gave herself permission to unapologetically take a break from an 80-year-old established business empire to listen to her heart and intuition, to heal from trauma, and to discover a new world of self-love and self-respect.

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Episode #355: Insight, Perspective, and Living a Vibrant Life with John Geraghty

John Geraghty is an Optimal Performance Coach, Speaker, author of the book titled “The Prism of Perspective,” and the host of The Prism of Perspective podcast, who confronted his own personal struggles with alcohol and disempowering beliefs which led him to a path of discovery of his own potential as well as a path to purpose, joy, and positive impact.

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Episode #354: Stronger, Fitter, & Healthier Every Year with Barry Karch

Real estate agent and mature athlete Barry Karch and host of the Running For Your Life podcast returns to the show to share more of his wisdom and insights on how we can all outsmart Father Time and stop him in his tracks by challenging ourselves to become stronger and healthier every day.

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Episode #353: Surviving the Battlefield of Life with Brian Fleming

Brian Fleming is a combat wounded veteran and Purple Heart Recipient, who was seriously injured by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan, resulting in 14 months of hospitalization enduring painful burn treatments, reconstructive surgery, and brain injury rehabilitation.

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Episode #352: The Three Pillars of Health and Happiness with Sylvain Mancuso

Sylvain Mancuso is an entrepreneur, osteopath, Doctor of Physical Medicine, founder, and owner of Mancuso Clinic, which offers a variety of disciplines dedicated to improving both mental and physical health by encouraging positive lifestyle changes.

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Episode #351: Functional Medicine and the Power to Heal with Leigh Brandon

Leigh Brandon is a Functional Medicine and CHEK Practitioner who has been working in the Health and Fitness industry since 1996. As a CHEK practitioner, he became proficient in integrated movement science, nutrition, and holistic lifestyle coaching.

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