Episode #327: Follow Your Dreams and Shoot for the Stars with Jerry Werner

Jerry Werner is an author who shares stories of high adventure where life and death hangs in the balance. He takes his readers for a spin in the world’s fastest fighter jet going twice the speed of sound.

He also vividly describes what it’s like to be shot out of a cannon, to survive a Category 5 hurricane on a US Navy Destroyer, and to be a prisoner of war. After his exciting career in the US Navy, he transitioned into the energy conservation industry, where he applied his problem-solving skills and leadership abilities in reducing our dependence on foreign oil.

Jerry’s newly released autobiography is titled “Grandpa’s Adventure in the US Navy: Souls Searching on the Way to Mars,” which begins with his inspiring quest to become an astronaut while lying under the starry skies of west-central Wisconsin in 1961, while marveling at the universe above and dreaming of exploring the cosmos. Jerry was determined to achieve his dream, in spite of the odds of accomplishing them.

Jerry shares his fascinating and inspiring story about confronting and overcoming the many challenges he faced in pursuing his dream, how the support and encouragement from his loving parents bolstered his self-confidence, and how his determination and positive attitude helped him defy the odds and pursue the extraordinary.

Download this positive, upbeat, and inspiring episode to hear Jerry’s story along with valuable insights and life lessons which can be applied to every aspect of your life so you can follow your dreams and shoot for the stars!




fighter jets, Grandpa's Adventures in the US Navy, insights, life lessons, pursuing your dreams, US Navy pilot